Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Surfed yesterday morning. It was a small, grey day at 2nds, with one guy out. That one guy seemed eager to get into an argument. First he dropped in, then he paddled right around me to the peak.

"It's just me and you out here," I say, "It doesn't have to be like this."
"I saw you paddle for a wave and miss it. You're scratched off the list," he says.

This type of thinking really ticks me off, where someone arbitrarily decides that they are more important than someone else, and that that person therefore does not deserve respect. So on the next good wave I dropped in on him.

He comes up sputtering. "Some guys would have shot their board at you!"
"And I'd shoot mine right back at them. I've been coming here ten years, buddy. I know what the fuck goes on."
"Just fuck off and give me some space."

Truer words were never spoken.

-- Post From Taxi

1 comment:

  1. Wooow I hope you laughed and laughed and laughed.
    Two people out and he still has to be like that ?
    That is sad. He needs love.

    Maybe one day he will actually know what surfing is.
